FH human albumin solution
Extracted from Iranian plasma containing 20-grams plasma protein per deciliter (at least 96% albumin) VIII per vial and produce under commercial name of “Albumin 20%” by Biotest Company from Germany
Medical Group
- Plasma protein compound
- Plasma alternative
Medicine types
- 5% vial: 50 milligram/milliliter
- 20% vial: 200 milligram/milliliter
Vial compounds
Effective compound: 200 milligrams (in 20% vials) and 50 milligrams (in 5% vials) human plasma protein containing at least 96% albumin
Medical uses
Restore and maintain circulating blood volume, where volume deficiency has been demonstrated and use of a colloid is appropriate. According to official recommendations, the choice between albumin and an artificial colloid will depend on patient’s clinical status.
Prohibited usage
hypersensitivity to albumin products or other excipients in formulation
Indications and dosage
- The required amount of albumin depends on The size of the patient, the severity of trauma or illness, as well as the continued loss of fluid and protein. dosage must be determined based on albumin volume in circulation instead of plasma albumin levels. Hemodynamic performance must be monitored in albumin administration with regular monitoring of Arterial blood pressure and heart rate, central venous pressure, pulmonary artery wedge pressure, urine output, electrolytes and hematocrit / hemoglobin
- Human albumin 20% is usable for
- Human albumin 20% can be used in patients on dialysis and premature infants.
Warnings and precautions
- risk of severe side effects of this drug will increase with rapid injection, so it’s better to considerate “recommended speed injection” in “administration” part. Also patients must be under careful monitoring for preventing possible complications and side effects
- the possibility of certain side effects increases in following cases:
- in patients with lack or absence of blood gamma globulin with/without IgA deficiency
- in patients who received natural immunoglobulin for the first time or used another product (different brands) before
- these side effects are rarely seen in cases with long time interval between two injections (first and second injection).
- In cases of allergic or anaphylactic reactions the injection must be stopped and appropriate treatment must start immediately. In case of shock, current medical standards for shock treatment should be carried out.
- albumin must administrate carefully, if infusion cause body fluid increases or blood dilution and their side effects put patients in danger. This cases usually happen for patients with Untreated heart failure, hypertension, esophageal varices, pulmonary edema, Bleeding diathesis, severe anemia and/or interrupted urine with kidney origin
- Colloid osmotic effect of human albumin 20% is almost 4 times of blood plasma. So in cases of concentrate Albumin administration, patients must be monitoring for hydration, rising blood circulation or increased body water
- electrolyte amount in 20 – 25% human albumin solutions are less than 4-5% solutions. So through administration saving electrolyte balance is necessary.
- Because of hemolysis possibility in patient Albumin solution should not diluted with water. In cases with high volume that need such dilution monitoring coagulation speed and hematocrit is necessary. This monitoring must continue to ensure that other blood components (coagulation factors, electrolytes, erythrocytes, platelets) have been replaced in sufficient quantities. If drug volume and injection speed isn’t set to blood circulation, there is possibility of body fluid volume increases.
Side effects
- Reactions like Flushing, hives, fever and nausea are rarely seen. Side effects like Chills, vomiting, erthymia, hypotension associated with tachycardia and shortness of breath have seen in some cases. These reactions quickly disappear with reducing infusion rate or after infusion stopped.
- Sever reactions like shock are very rare but in such cases injection must be stopped and appropriate treatment must start immediately.
Storage and shelf-life
- Albumin solution must keep in 2 – 8 centigrade degree, protected from light and freezing.
- Because of hemolysis possibility in patient Albumin solution should not diluted with water.
- turbid solutions or solutions with particles should not be used.